(Português) SRA foi referenciado na edição 2024 do Chambers Brazil: Industries & Sectors em Public Law

27 . June . 2024
(Português) Estamos felizes em compartilhar que o Silveira Ribeiro Advogados foi referenciado na edição 2024 do Chambers Brazil: Industries & Sectors entre os melhores escritórios em Direito [...] Read more

(Português) SRA está entre os escritórios mais admirados do Rio de Janeiro

22 . May . 2024
(Português) O escritório Silveira Ribeiro está presente na lista dos escritórios mais admirados do Brasil, segundo o Ranking Análise Advocacia Regional. É a quarta vez consecutiva que [...] Read more

(Português) Associada Julia Ribeiro publica o artigo "Considerações sobre o contrato de arrendamento portuário" no Migalhas

14 . May . 2024
(Português) Em artigo no site Migalhas, a advogada Júlia Ribeiro comenta sobre as peculiaridades e a dificuldade de se estabelecer a natureza jurídica do contrato de arrendamento portuário. [...] Read more

(Português) O Sócio Fundador João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro publicou um artigo no jornal O Globo sobre perspectivas e desafios da BR-040

17 . April . 2024
(Português) O sócio João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro publicou um artigo no jornal O Globo sobre perspectivas e desafios da BR-040 em uma análise sobre o trecho que liga Juiz de Fora ao Rio de [...] Read more

(Português) O Sócio Fundador João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro enaltece decisão do TCU

26 . January . 2024
(Português) Em sessão da última quarta-feira, dia 24.01.2024, os ministros do TCU decidiram que os processos de renovação de concessões de distribuição de energia serão analisados [...] Read more

(Português) O Sócio Fundador João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro é entrevistado pela Agência Infra

9 . October . 2023
(Português) O sócio fundador do nosso escritório, João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro concedeu entrevista para a Agência iNFRA sobre as diretrizes do processo de prorrogação das concessões de [...] Read more

(Português) A associada Bruna Ammon publica artigo no livro “Improbidade Administrativa - Principais aspectos da Lei nº 8.429/1992 diante das alterações decorrentes da Lei nº 14.230/2021”

28 . September . 2023
(Português) O livro “Improbidade Administrativa – Principais aspectos da Lei nº 8.429/1992 diante das alterações decorrentes da Lei nº 14.230/2021” será lançado nesta [...] Read more

(Português) O Sócio Fundador João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro participa de audiência na Câmara dos Deputados para discutir a base jurídica e legal para a prorrogação dos contratos de distribuição

27 . September . 2023
(Português) “O tema aqui tratado se insere dentre um dos mais importantes da década para o setor de infraestrutura dado o impacto social. A maior parte da população brasileira será atingida [...] Read more

(Português) O Associado Frederico Homem de Carvalho participa de homenagem a André Esteves na Associação Comercial do Rio de Janeiro

18 . May . 2023
(Português) Frederico Homem de Carvalho, associado do nosso escritório, participou da homenagem da Associação Comercial do Rio de Janeiro – ACRJ a André Esteves (à dir. na foto), [...] Read more

(Português) O Associado Gabriel Calais publicou o artigo “O PL 2676/20 e a criação das debêntures de infraestrutura” no site JOTA

13 . April . 2023
(Português) Em artigo no site JOTA, o advogado Gabriel Calais, sócio do nosso escritório Silveira Ribeiro Advogados, comenta que a aprovação do PL 2646/20 e a criação das debêntures de [...] Read more

(Português) SRA Advogados participa de posse do novo Presidente do Tribunal de Contas da União

16 . December . 2022
(Português) Representado pelo associado Lucas Nazif, nosso escritório SRA Advogados participou da cerimônia de posse do ministro Bruno Dantas como novo presidente do Tribunal de Contas da [...] Read more

(Português) A associada Alexandra Cabral de Mendonça publica artigo no livro “Novidades e Desafios da Lei de Licitações e Contratos Administrativo: Lei nº 14.133/2021”

30 . June . 2022
(Português) Apresentar os aspectos jurídicos do contrato de eficiência, de modo a fomentar a estruturação de novas parcerias por parte da Administração Pública, com exposição sobre as [...] Read more

(Português) O sócio João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro recebe láurea de agradecimento do Conselho Federal da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil

2 . February . 2022
(Português) O advogado João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro, sócio do nosso escritório, recebeu do Conselho Federal da OAB – Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil láurea de agradecimento por sua luta [...] Read more

(Português) O associado Lucas Nazif passa a integrar a Associação Brasileira de Consultores de Engenharia (ABCE)

2 . February . 2022
(Português) Nosso escritório tem mais um representante no Comitê Jurídico da ABCE – Associação Brasileira de Consultores de Engenharia . Lucas Nazif passa a integrar a equipe da qual [...] Read more

(Português) O sócio João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro é convidado a integrar a Câmara de Mediação e Arbitragem da Fundação Getúlio Vargas

2 . February . 2022
(Português) O advogado João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro, sócio do escritório, recebeu – e aceitou – convite para integrar a Câmara de Mediação e Arbitragem da Fundação Getulio [...] Read more

Silveira Ribeiro adotará home office como prevenção contra a variante Ômicron do coronavírus

11 . January . 2022
Considerando o recrudescimento de infecções no cenário da pandemia de Covid-19 em todo o país em razão da variante Ômicron do novo coronavírus, e, como forma de priorizar o bem-estar e a [...] Read more

Partner João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro and associate Valmir de Oliveira Rodrigues publish an article in the book “Juridical Security and the State of Law”

27 . August . 2021
Controlling public spending in Brazil brings benefits to society, such as fighting corruption, but without due diligence, it can generate distortions and injustices. This is the main theme of the [...] Read more

Silveira Ribeiro Advogados maintains an injunction suspending the effects of the requirement for invoices in contracts entered into with the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro

8 . February . 2021
On the 28th, the appeal filed by the Association of Engineering Companies of Rio de Janeiro (“AEERJ”), represented by Silveira Ribeiro Advogados, was upheld by the 16th Civil Chamber of [...] Read more

Silveira Ribeiro will adopt a home office during the quarantine period resulting from COVID-19

26 . January . 2021
Given the increase in the number of cases arising from COVID-19 and according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (“WHO”), the Ministry of Health and other competent [...] Read more

Partner João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro is appointed arbitrator of the CBMA

25 . December . 2020
Partner João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro was appointed arbitrator of the Brazilian Center for Mediation and Arbitration (“CBMA”). Founded in 2002 by the Commercial Association of Rio de [...] Read more

Silveira Ribeiro will adopt a home office during the period between 12.14.2020 and 01.10.2021

15 . December . 2020
Given the worsening of the coronavirus pandemic, and according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (“WHO”), the Ministry of Health and other competent authorities, [...] Read more

Advocacy Analysis 2020 recognizes 3 areas of practice of the firm, in addition to considering partner João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro as one of the most admired lawyers in the country

8 . December . 2020
The Silveira Ribeiro Advogados firm won 4th place among the most admired in the Regulatory category, 4th place in the Construction and Engineering economic sector, and 5th place among specialized [...] Read more

Partner João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro is appointed member of the Business Council for Infrastructure of Firjan

24 . November . 2020
Partner João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro was appointed member of the Infrastructure Business Council of the Industries Federation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (“Firjan”). Composed of [...] Read more

Partner João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro is appointed member of the Permanent Forum of Infrastructure Law of the Public Law College (Escola Superior de Advocacia Pública) at PGE/RJ

25 . March . 2020
Partner João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro, in the figure of Chairman of the Special Commission for Works, Concessions and Control of Public Administration of the Federal Council of the OAB, was [...] Read more

Silveira Ribeiro will work from home during the quarantine period resulting from COVID-19

20 . March . 2020
As recommended by the World Health Organization (“WHO”), the Ministry of Health and other competent authorities, and as a way to prioritize the well-being and safety of our [...] Read more

João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro is appointed member of the Advisory Board of the Permanent Forum for Strategic Development of the State of Rio de Janeiro

18 . March . 2020
Partner João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro, in the figure of Chairman of the OAB/RJ Public Administration Works, Concessions and Control Commission, was appointed by the Chairman of the Brazilian Bar [...] Read more

João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro is appointed member of the Permanent Forum on Transparency and Administrative Probity EMERJ

19 . February . 2020
On 02.11.2020, the appointment of partner João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro as a member of the Permanent Forum on Transparency and Administrative Probity of the School of Magistrates of the State of [...] Read more

Silveira Ribeiro Advogados is indicated in Advocacia 500

21 . January . 2020
The SRA Office was indicated among the best Regulatory Law offices in the year 2019. In this area, which covers the field of Regulation and Infrastructure, the Firm was ranked 5th nationwide among [...] Read more

João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro, on behalf of the OAB/RJ Public Administration Works, Concessions and Control Commission, issues an official note on the destruction of the Linha Amarela toll

14 . November . 2019
Partner João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro, in the figure of Chairman of the Commission for Works, Concessions and Control of Public Administration of the Federal Council of the OAB, issued an official [...] Read more

João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro, as Chairman of the Special Commission for Works, Concessions and Control of Public Administration of the Federal Council of the OAB, with the support of Agetransp, promotes the 1st Seminar on Transport Regulation in the State of Rio de Janeiro

14 . November . 2019
João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro, as Chairman of the Special Commission for Works, Concessions and Control of Public Administration of the Federal Council of the OAB, promoted on 10.25.2019, with the [...] Read more

João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro participates in an event promoted by the Special Commission of Public-Private Partnerships (PL 3453/08) of the House of Representatives aimed at debating the new legal framework for PPPs, Concessions and Investment Funds

22 . October . 2019
Partner João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro, in the figure of Chairman of the Commission for Works, Concessions and Control of Public Administration of the Federal Council of the OAB, has participated, [...] Read more

João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro participates in the Special Commission with the purpose to give an opinion to the Bill that discusses the new legal framework for the PPPs and Concessions Laws promoted by the House of Representatives

5 . September . 2019
Partner João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro, in the figure of Chairman of the Commission for Works, Concessions and Control of Public Administration of the Federal Council of the OAB, has participated, [...] Read more

João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro is appointed Chairman of the Special Commission for Works, Concessions and Control of Public Administration of the Federal Council of the OAB

5 . April . 2019
Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association appointed, on 03.15.19, the member João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro to exercise the position of Chairman of the newly created Commission for Works, [...] Read more

Silveira Ribeiro Advogados is indicated in Advocacia 500

17 . December . 2018
The SRA Office was indicated among the best Regulatory Law offices in the year 2018. In this area, which covers the field of Regulation and Infrastructure, the Firm was ranked 3rd nationwide among [...] Read more

Silveira Ribeiro Advogados suspends the effects of the requirement for invoices in contracts entered into with the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro

14 . August . 2018
The Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, on 05.18.17, has published the Decree no. 43.189/17 which required its contractors to present all invoices referring to inputs and equipment used in engineering [...] Read more

João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro participates in the Seminar on the New Procurement Law, promoted by the House of Representatives

14 . May . 2018
Partner João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro has participated, on 05.14.2018, in the Regional Seminar – Rio de Janeiro/RJ – on the New Procurement Law, promoted by the Special Commission of the House [...] Read more

João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro, representing the OAB/RJ, holds a hearing with the President of the TCE/RJ to discuss the chronological order of payments made by the Public Administration

22 . April . 2018
Partner João Paulo Silveira Ribeiro, Chairman of the Commission for Works, Concessions and Control of Public Administration, of OAB/RJ, has held, on 04.22.18, an institutional hearing with Hon. [...] Read more

João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro is invited by the House of Representatives to debate bills that intend to limit the amount of rates charged on granted highways

9 . August . 2016
Partner João Paulo da Silveira Ribeiro has participated, on 08.09.2016, in a hearing called by the Commission on Traffic and Transport (CVT) of the House of Representatives to discuss bills 7796/14 [...] Read more